Folk Music Vegetarian Food in Minneapolis

3 Results, Scroll down to view
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1 - 3 of 3 Results

Aster Café

125 Main Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414

Music: Acoustic  Alternative  Blues  Country  DJ  Eclectic  Folk  Hip Hop  House  Irish  Jazz  Latin  Live Concerts  Live Music  Other  R&B  Reggae  Rock  World 

Cuisine: American  Fish  French  Greek  Mexican  Muffins  Organic  Pizza  Salad  Soup  Thai  Vegan  Vegetarian 

Nomad World Pub

501 Cedar Avenue S (at Riverside) Minneapolis, MN 55454

Music: Acoustic  DJ  Folk  Indie Rock  Live Music  Reggae  Rock 

Cuisine: Deli  Mediterranean  Vegetarian 

The Nicollet

1931 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55404

Music: Acoustic  Alternative  Blues  Eclectic  Folk  Industrial  Jazz  Latin  Live Music  Oldies  R&B  Salsa 

Cuisine: American  Deli  Muffins  Pizza  Soup  Subs  Vegan  Vegetarian 

1 - 3 of 3 Results
*All information is deemed reliable, but unfortunatly cannot not be guaranteed. Events & prices are subject to change.